Best times to visit Thailand

Weather and seasons in Thailand and Udon Thani

When best to visit Udon Thani and Thailand

There are three main seasons in Udon Thani that reflect those of Thailand in general.

The summer, or hot season ,stretches from the middle of February and throughout April. The region is hot and sunny with temperatures of around 30 degrees centigrade.

The green season, from May to October, is 3 or 4 degrees cooler. Days generally remain hot, although in the late afternoon or evenings there may be heavy rain showers - bringing much needed water to the surrounding rice fields and reinvigorating the countryside. At this time, the region around the villa is at its most dynamic, as vibrant emerald rice shoots carpet the countryside in greens and the local villagers work their fields.

The ironically named "winter" is generally short, from mid November to January. In these months, days are generally hot and sunny with clear blue skies and temperatures ranging between 20 and 25 degrees centigrade. After sunset, temperatures drop to a very pleasant level, meaning no respite need be found in air-conditioners. The locals even celebrate the fact that they can rummage through their clothes for a warm sweater or jacket at night. Not to be missed in January and February in particular is a boat trip in our wooden fishermen's boat on the local lake, which blooms pink and purple with myriad lotus flowers, and where rare birds dart down to play with those in the boat.